
Dealing With Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault In The Workplace

Sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace are serious issues that can have a devastating impact on victims. It’s important for employers to take proactive steps to prevent these incidents and to provide support for employees who experience them.

First, employers should establish clear policies and procedures for addressing sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. This includes providing training for all employees on what constitutes sexual harassment and assault, how to report incidents, and what steps will be taken to investigate and address reports.

Second, employers should take all reports of sexual harassment and assault seriously and conduct prompt and thorough investigations. This includes providing support for the victim, such as offering counseling services and time off work if needed.

Third, employers should take steps to prevent retaliation against employees who report sexual harassment or assault. This can include providing anonymous reporting options, and taking disciplinary action against any employees who engage in retaliation.

Finally, employers should make it clear that sexual harassment and assault will not be tolerated in the workplace. This can include setting a tone of zero tolerance for such behavior, providing regular reminders of the company’s policies on sexual harassment and assault, and taking swift action to address any incidents that do occur.

In conclusion, sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace are serious issues that require employers to take proactive steps to prevent and address them. Establishing clear policies and procedures, providing support for victims, conducting prompt and thorough investigations, preventing retaliation, and setting a tone of zero tolerance are all important steps employers can take to create a safe and respectful workplace for all employees.

If you are an employer needing General Counsel work to assist you with insuring your company complies with civil rights laws and prevents sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, contact us today.

If you are an employee who is the victim of sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace, contact us today to preserve your rights.

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