
Georgia Injury Lawyer Blog


Fraud In Georgia: Do You Have A Case?

Fraud comes in many forms, such as Internet fraud (scams), real estate fraud, and consumer fraud. Thousands of people are victims of fraud every day, leaving many with a deep gut-wrenching feeling, once they realize they’ve been mislead/scammed. If you have been a victim of fraud, you may be able…


It Pays To Be A Whistleblower —-Exposing Your Company’s Dangerous and Illegal Practices

Whistleblower lawsuits are one of the most effective ways to expose illegal and dangerous practices within large corporations oftentimes by current or former employees who courageously step forward to report the wrong through the legal process. For example, our good friend Mr. Reuben Guttman, Director at Grant and Eisenhofer and…


Dangerous Toys Recalled, Risk of Injury to Children

More toxic, poisonous toy jewelry bracelets for kids have been recalled. These were bracelets that were sold at Claire’s as having high levels of harmful cadmium. Federal regulators released the recall of children’s jewelry due to dangerous levels of the toxin cadmium saying they are expanding their investigation in order…


¿Lesionado por culpa de un médico y necesita conseguir un abogado? La corte declara la inconstitucionalidad de los topes al dolor y sufrimiento por mala praxis médica

“Sufrí lesiones por culpa de un médico y necesito conseguir un abogado” o “Sufrí lesiones por culpa de un hospital y necesito conseguir un abogado” son algunas de las situaciones en las que goza de un derecho constitucional para pedir un resarcimiento justo y pleno por el dolor y sufrimiento…


La Ley de Georgia por prácticas comerciales injustas, incumplimiento de contrato o publicidad falsa lo protege

En estos difíciles tiempos económicos, más y más consumidores se ven engañados por empresas que hacen publicidades falsas sobre sus productos y servicios, incumplen contratos o no cumplen con sus promesas. Si ha sido víctima de prácticas injustas o ilegales, la Ley de Prácticas Comerciales Justas de Georgia lo protege.…


Contract Law In Georgia: Can You Recover Lost (Anticipated) Profits Caused by Someone Breaking A Contract Agreement With You?

On this blog site, we have written about the difficulties that Georgia law creates for employers who want to recover punitive damages related to their breach of contract claims. Today we will briefly discuss another area that seriously affects the economic viability of both large and small businesses: recovering lost…

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