
Resolving Bullying Problems In School For Your Child Part One

The best way to resolve a bullying problem with the school is to try and take a non-adversarial collaborative approach. If that doesn’t work, you can pursue other legal means to protect your child’s rights. But the best strategy is to try and resolve it with the school principals and teachers as part of a team, using a non-adversarial approach if at all possible.

In order to protect your child’s rights, and insure that you can reach a positive resolution, it is important to document all communications in writing. Getting your child’s teachers, principals, guidance counselor, and other school administrator’s email addresses is an important first step. Rather than coming across adversarial, be polite but firm in all emails, telephone calls, and face to face conversations. Let them know that you appreciate their commitment to educating children and ask for help. Let them know that your child is in danger at school and does not feel safe.

Ask for a meeting with the school principal and teachers to address this problem and work out a strategy for how to handle future bullying incidents. Let the school administrators know that you expect them to implement zero tolerance for bullying policies, enforce Georgia law, and to punish the kids who are bullying in addition to informing the parents of those involved.

After the meeting, document the results of the meeting in writing via email or letter to the principals and teachers, confirming the plan that was set in place to protect your child and thank them for helping you resolve this issue.

If communicating with the principals, teachers, and school administrators fails to work, there are other steps that you can take to solve your child’s bullying problem. Here are a couple suggstions to keep in mind:

1. If another child or teenager assaults your child (e.g. punches them in the face or gravely injures them) consider pressing charges. You shouldn’t go to the local police station in instances when dealing with a minor. Rather, you can contact the school resource officer and you can file a report with the local juvenile court to file an official complaint against the juvenile delinquent for unruly behavior. This will show both the bully and the bully’s parents that you mean business and will not tolerate or accept your son or daughter to be the victim of violence and harassment.

2. Consider hiring an attorney. A good attorney will understand the legal implications and duties that the school has to prevent your child from becoming the victim of incessant bullying.

To learn more about your son or daughter’s legal rights concerning bullying, or to seek help, contact Williams Oinonen LLC LLC at 404-654-0288.

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