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district-attorney-300x132Another suit was filed by Williams Oinonen LLC against Paul Howard District Attorney for sexual harassment. More about the suit can be read here .

This is not the first sexual harassment lawsuit against Paul Howard filed by Williams Oinonen LLC. A previous one was filed just a few months ago which can be read here.

If you are a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at 404-654-0288.

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Julie Oinonen, Managing Partner at Williams Oinonen LLC has been elected to the Emory University School of Law Alumni Board. The Emory Law Dean’s Advisory Board and the Emory Law Alumni Board, representing a diverse range of perspectives and geography, are appointed and work together to advise the dean and senior staff on the interests of the Emory Law community. The Advisory Board concentrates primarily on fiscal and operational strategic planning, and the Alumni Board focuses on strategic planning for alumni engagement. These volunteer leaders help to keep the law school apprised of and responsive to the current state of the legal profession and the concerns and needs of our alumni.

Williams Oinonen LLC is proud to support and hire Emory University School of Law students and alumni over the years. For further information on the many ways that you can be involved as an alumni at Emory University School of Law, click here.

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The Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority (FDHA) awarded Clarkston Councilman and Williams Oinonen LLC partner, Mario Williams with the Lew Horne Social Justice Champion Award during the organization’s 8th Annual Healthcare Champions awards ceremony.

Mr. Williams was recognized for his commitment to advocating for responsible policies and legislation to improve the lives of under served populations. A special video honoring Mario’s lifetime achievement of work committed to social justice was shown during the award ceremony and can be shown here:

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Williams Oinonen LLC brought an EEOC charge against Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard on behalf of an HR Director who is alleging sexual harassment.

The AJC reported on the EEOC complaint brought by Williams Oinonen LLC’s client, a former HR administrator who is suing Paul Howard, the Fulton County District Attorney for her sexual harassment. The story can be read here.

Sexual harassment is prohibited by law and it is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government.

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Williams Oinonen LLC files a race discrimination lawsuit on behalf of African American CNN employee who alleged that his executive threatened to kill him over his race discrimination lawsuit.

The AJC wrote about the story which can be read here. Other news media sources also wrote about the story which can be read here as well as here.

Soon after, CNN terminated Mr. Walker which was written about here.

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“I’ve been contacted by a PSC investigator who wants me to give him a response by a certain deadline, what do I do?” This is a question we hear from administrators, teachers, and other education professionals all over Georgia on a frequent basis.

Recently, Williams Oinonen LLC represented a teacher facing a revocation of her teaching certificate. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission recommended that the teacher’s certificate be entirely revoked. The Professional Standards Commission was represented by the Attorney General for the State of Georgia and the teacher was represented by Ms. Oinonen. The Judge’s case decision which came out today rejected the recommendation of the PSC to revoke the educator’s certificate and modified it to only give the educator a warning.

When an educator calls to ask: “I’ve been contacted by a PSC investigator who wants me to give him a response by a certain deadline, what do I do?” Ms. Oinonen always recommends educators that they absolutely should not go it alone. Years ago, PSC investigators were made up of former educators. Now, most educators are former law enforcement, former Secret Service, former GBI, or former deputy sheriffs. As a result, calling them really can be like talking to the police when you are accused of a crime, meaning anything you say can be used against you. Ms. Oinonen states: “When facing a PSC charge, educators should not contact the PSC without assistance of legal counsel. Too much is at stake for an educator. Literally what is at stake is your ability to maintain gainful employment by keeping your educator’s license/certification. Thus, it is imperative that you have an attorney who can communicate on your behalf and advise you appropriately in order to help protect your rights.”

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“I am about to get fired from my job,” or “I think my boss is about to terminate me, what do I do?” are questions that Williams Oinonen LLC hears from employees all throughout the state of Georgia. When facing this dilemma, the most important thing to do is to seek legal advice before taking any action at all. Depending on the type of job you have, different legal rights may apply.

In this case, Williams Oinonen LLC had five full days worth of a fair dismissal hearing that lasted for nearly half of a year. And thanks to Georgia Association of Educators, three of the top expert witnesses concerning the lawful use of CBD oil were retained. These experts testified that Mr. Blackwood was legally using CBD oil to treat an auto immune disease. Williams Oinonen LLC filed suit for unconstitutional violations by the school district which can be read about here.

Ultimately, after a long and hard fought battle, Clayton County Local Board of Education voted unanimously not to terminate Mr. Blackwood. The AJC ran a story on his victory which can be read here. Stated Mr. Blackwood:

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Mario Williaims filed a lawsuit on behalf of fired Rape Crisis Center Executive Director Kesha Gibson-Carter who brings claims against law enforcement government officials and the center for race discrimination and violations of her First Amendment rights.

The 57-page civil suit, filed in U.S. District Court on June 3, named twenty five defendants, including the center and board of directors, including the Chatham County District Attorney Meg Heap, along with several local police officials.

For more on the story in the Savannah newspaper you can read here.

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Williams Oinonen LLC partner Mario Williams obtained a $285,000 settlement on behalf of our client Governor Henderson in a gender discrimination case against District Attorney Paul Howard. It was featured on the Daily Report front page today which can be read here.

The plaintiff in this case, former District Attorney Governor Henderson claimed he was told “the position would only be filled by a woman because some jobs are not for certain people.”

Williams Oinonen LLC is proud to represent victim of wrongful death, serious injury, employment discrimination and civil rights claims. For more information contact 404-654-0288

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Mario Williams, partner at Williams Oinonen LLC, filed a class action race discrimination case against Atlanta Police Department. The Daily Report featured a front page article which can be read here.

The temporary restraint order motion and lawsuit names the city of Atlanta and its Police Chief as defendants. Chief Judge Thomas Thrash Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia is assigned to the case.

The lawsuit challenges a promotion policy that allegedly requires the police department allegedly requires that the vacant post be filled by a candidate of the same race, the TRO motion contends.

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